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Search for listings of Louisiana's most wanted fugitives. Then view the photo, name, physical description, DOB, SSN, LASID #, NCIC #, LaDOC #, # of offenses, or escapes and any other info available.
Made possible by the U.S. Eastern District Court of Louisiana. Register with the financial PACER system to search and locate the Federal civil & criminal court records. Locate by finding the case number's, party name's, filing date's, and last update's.This also provides dockets and documents.
Provided by the U.S. Eastern District Court of Louisiana. Register with the fee-based PACER system to find Federal bankruptcy court records. By the case number's, name's, SSN's and tax ID's, or case type's. This Provides dockets and documents.
Brought to you by the United States Middle District Court of Louisiana. Register with a fee-based PACER system to locate Federal civil and criminal court records. Useing the case number, party name, filing date, or last update. This will provide dockets and documents.
This is Provided by the United States Middle District Court of Louisiana. Register with the fee-based PACER system. Then find the Federal bankruptcy court records with the case number, name, SSN /Tax ID, or case type. Provide's dockets and documents.
Provided by the U.S. Western District Court and the state of Louisiana. Sign up with the fee-based PACER system. Browse for the Federal civil & criminal court records by the case number, party name, filing date, or last update. Will provide dockets and documents.
Provided by the United States Western District Court of Louisiana. Register with the fee-based PACER system. Find Federal bankruptcy court records. Then use the case number's, name's, SSN's,Tax ID's, and case type's.This provides dockets and the documents.
Search and find the Louisiana 4th Circuit Court of Appeals and cases that's been recorded with the District Court. Then search for the case number, the appellate court case number, date, and the attorney's case record cross-reference. Then search for criminal records and other court cases.
Look for the licensed Acupuncturist Assistants through Louisiana Board of Medical Examiners. Either by using the name or license number.
Browse and find the licensed Acupuncturists through using the Louisiana Board of Medical Examiners. By, the name or license number.
Find the State of Louisiana Addictive Disorder Regulatory Authority.Do this by, either the Last Name, Credential #, or City for certified substance abuse counselors, compulsive gambling counselors, prevention specialists, counselors in training, or information on counselor supervisors.
View and find the State of Louisiana State Board of Nursing service, to verify information on the status of an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse license. Look by either the license of permit type, permit number, name, or the social security number. The last four digits.
View the State of Louisiana State Board of Nursing service and verify any information on the status of an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Permit. Search by the license of permit type, permit number, name, or the social security number (last 4 digits).
Select the State of Louisiana in the drop down field, to use this Federal Financial Institution's Examination's Council service's to search for licensed appraiser's in State of Louisiana.
Find the State of Louisiana Board of Architectural Examiners, for the licensed State of Louisiana architects by name, firm name, registration number, address, and the title.
Locate the State of Louisiana Board of Architectural Examiners for licensed State of Louisiana Architecture Firms. Useing the firm name, registration number, street, city, state, and the zip code.
Go down to "State of Louisiana Asbestos Accreditation Lists by discipline" to locate P.D.F. lists of asbestos workers, contractors, supervisors, inspectors, etc.
The Sheriff's office of Ascension Parish, State of Louisiana provides this listing of most wanted people, with information including things like a name, photo, DOB, physical description, case number, last known address, charges and crime details.
Use the Ascension Parish, State of Louisiana Assessors GIS system by street name to search for property information. Then view interactive GIS maps.
Look through this list of most wanted fugitives issued by the Assumption Parish, State of Louisiana Sheriff's Department.
Browse for the State of Louisiana Board of Medical Examiners. Look for licensed Athletic trainers by name and license number.
Browse and locate the State of Louisiana State Bar Association for active attorneys by name and city.
Look for the State of Louisiana Auctioneers Licensing Board and licensed auctioneers or auction businesses.
Search and locate the State of Louisiana Board of Examiners for Speech or Language, Pathology and Audiology for licensed Audiologists by last name, city, and credential number.
Browse and find these Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana city court reports for civil dockets, civil case status, civil answers, civil summons return, criminal dockets, delinquent parking tickets, and court warrants.
Find Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana city court reports, civil and criminal dockets. Then find the civil case status reports. Also inlcudes parking tickets and warrant's.
Look by name for criminal warrants in Baton Rouge and the State of Louisiana.
Search and find the Crime Stoppers of Baton Rouge. The State of Louisiana provides this listing of wanted fugitives, with information including name, photo, DOB, physical description, date wanted since and charges.
Use this to find the City of Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana service to search for and pay parking and traffic tickets online.
You can use the City of Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana's service to browse for property information. Find by their address, subdivision, business name, NAICS code, parcel ID, street name, and the intersection; or look at interactive GIS Maps.
The Bossier City, State of Louisiana Police Department has the list of the most wanted persons, with information including their name, photo, birth date, charges, physical description, contact information, and the case number in Adobe Acrobat format.
Look for inmates in Bossier Parish, from the State of Louisiana's database of current inmates. Browse by their name, booking date or city, state and zip code. This includes their name, booking date, or facility.
Search a list of Bossier Parish, State of Louisiana's missing persons.
Look at Bossier Parish, State of Louisiana's, most wanted fugitives.
Browse the Bossier Parish, in the State of Louisiana, by their address and assessment number to look at corresponding information, such as the owner's name and valuation.
You can subscribe to the Bossier Parish, in the State of Louisiana Clerk of Courts service to browse for civil, criminal, marriage, property records, or recorded documents.
You can use the State of Louisiana's Department of Public Safety service to look for the State Fire Marshall list of burglar alarm, access control, and CCTV contractors. Some information is provided in Adobe Acrobat pdf format.
Browse the Caddo Parish, from the State of Louisiana's Assessor records to find property information by address or the parcel and account number.
You cam use the service provided by the Caddo Parish, in the State of Louisiana, from the Sheriff and Tax Collector. Use the service to browse for property tax information by bill number, account number, the owner's name, the mailing address, or the property address.
Browse the Caddo Parish, in the State of Louisiana's recorded documents database. (mortgages, deeds, liens, judgments, and etc.) You can view mortgage, conveyance, chattel, civil, criminal or marriage documents. It requires registration and also a fee.
You can use the Calcasieu Parish, in the State of Louisiana's Clerk of Court service, to browse the civil court record index with their name, case number, or use the History Inquiry service. Other record searches will require registration.
You can use the Calcasieu Parish, in the State of Louisiana Clerk of Court service, and find criminal court records by their name or the case number. Access will require registration.
You can use the Calcasieu Parish, in the State of Louisiana's Clerk of Court service, and look for criminal court records by their name or case number. Other record searches will require registration.
Search the list of missing juveniles issued from the Calcasieu Parish, and the State of Louisiana's Sheriff's office.
You can use the Geographic Information System from Calcasieu Parish, in the State of Louisiana, and find parcel information by name, address, parcel number, and also sub names and look at interactive maps.
Use this Calcasieu Parish, State of Louisiana Clerk of Court service to search for Recorded documents. Including deeds, mortgages, liens, judgments, etc. Access requires registration. Actual document copies require a fee.
Search and find the State of Louisiana Cemetery Board for licensed Cemeteries. Also to find Cemetery Sales & Management Organizations by Parish or City.
Browse the State of Louisiana Department of Social Services child care facilities database by the name, license number or parish.
Search for the State of Louisiana State Board of Chiropractic Examiners Licensees by name for the licensed Chiropractic X-Ray Technicians.
Browse and search the State of Louisiana State Board of Chiropractic Examiners Licensees by name for licensed State of Louisiana Doctors of Chiropractic services.
Browse for licensed Medical Exercise Physiologists through the State of Louisiana Board of Medical Examiners.
You will use this service of the State of Louisiana Board of Medical Examiners to search for all licensed Clinical Lab Personnel. Such as, lab Scientists, Technicians, Cytotechnologists, Laboratory Assistants, and Phlebotomists).
Browse for licensed Clinical Lab Personnel (Lab Scientists, Technicians, Cytotechnologists, Laboratory Assistants, or Phlebotomists) from the State of Louisiana's Board of Medical Examiners.
You can use the State of Louisiana's Department of Public Safety service, to find the State Fire Marshall list of the Closed Circuit Television Contractors. Some information is provided in Adobe Acrobat pdf format.
Browse the State of Louisiana's State Licensing Board for Contractors. Find by the contractor's name, license nubmer, city and the town, Parish, type of contractor, or you can use the advanced search feature.
Select "Controlled Dangerous Substances" to browse the State of Louisiana's Board of Pharmacy. Find by their last name for Controlled Dangerous Substance licensees.
Search the State of Louisiana's Licensed Professional Counselors Board of Examiners list, with the city name for Counselor Interns.
Search The State of Louisiana's Licensed Professional Counselors Board of Examiners list, by the city name to find Licensed Professional Counselors.
Search the State of Louisiana's Licensed Professional Counselors Board of Examiners list with their name for Privileged Professional Counselors.
Browse for Docket Lists from the State of Louisiana's 4th Circuit Court of Appeals with the month and the year.
Find case records in the State of Louisiana 4th Circuit Court of Appeals. Do this by district court case number, or by appellate court case number and year.
Look for Attorney Case Files in the State of Louisiana and 4th Circuit Court of Appeals by bar roll, number and year.
Provided by the United States Eastern District Court of State of Louisiana. Register with the fee-based PACER system to search for Federal civil & criminal court records. Do this by case number, party name, filing date, or last update.This Provides dockets and documents.
This is Provided by the U.S. Eastern District Court of State of Louisiana. Sighn up with the fee-based PACER system to search for Federal bankruptcy court records. Do this by case number, name, SSN/Tax ID, or case type. Provides dockets and documents.
Use the service provided by the U.S. Middle District Court of the State of Louisiana. You can register with the fee-based PACER system to browse for federal, civil, and criminal court records. Find by the case number, party name, filing date, or the last update. It provides dockets and documents.
Use the service provided by the U.S. Middle District Court of State of Louisiana. You can register with the fee-based PACER system to browse for Federal bankruptcy court records. Find by the case number, name, SSN and the Tax ID, and the case type. It provides dockets or documents.
Use the service provided by U.S. Western District Court of State of Louisiana. You can register with a fee-based PACER system, to browse for federal civil, or criminal court records. Find by the case number, party name, filing date, or last update. Provided are dockets or documents.
Use the service provided by the U.S. Western District Court of the State of Louisiana. You can register with the fee-based PACER system to browse for Federal bankruptcy court records with the case number, name, SSN and the Tax ID, and the case type. It provides dockets or documents.
Browse the State of Louisiana's Board of Medical Examiners to find licensed Cytotechnologists and Cytotechnologist Trainees with their license number or name.
You can use the State of Louisiana's Recreational and Used Motor Vehicle Commission Licensee service to browse for dealers, salespersons by their name, license number, parish, or the city.
Browse to locate State of Louisiana dentists with their name or license number. It gives their mailing address, license status, renewal date, or any disciplinary actions taken against license holder.
Search the DeSoto Parish, State of Louisiana's Detention Center arrest reports by the week.
You can use the fee based service from the DeSoto Parish, State of Louisiana's Clerk of Courts, and look at civil and criminal court records.
You can use the fee based service from the DeSoto Parish, State of Louisiana's Clerk of Courts, and look at real estate records.
Browse the State of Louisiana's Board of Examiners in Dietetics and Nutrition to find licensed Dietitians with their last name, credential number, or city.
Browse for and order official State of Louisiana's divorce records from the system VitalChek.
You can use the fee-based service provided from the East Baton Rouge Parish Clerk of Courts, to browse for Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana's court records. A subscription is also required.
Look for East Baton Rouge Parish, and the State of Louisiana's criminal dockets with the Baton Rouge city database.
Look for criminal warrants in East Baton Rouge Parish, from the State of Louisiana.
Search a list of East Baton Rouge Parish, State of Louisiana's, prison inmates.
You can use the East Baton Rouge Parish, State of Louisiana's service, to browse for and pay parking or traffic tickets online.
You can use the East Baton Rouge Parish, State of Louisiana's service, to browse for property information by address, subdivision, business name, NAICS code, the parcel ID, street name, and the intersection. You can also view interactive GIS Maps
Browse the American Electrology Association's member directory by their name, address, and the city. Find contact information for electrologists from the State of Louisiana.
Search a list of active State of Louisiana's Engineering Firms licensed through the State of Louisiana's Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board. Provided is their name, mailing address, or license number(s).
Search a list of active State of Louisiana's engineers licensed from the State of Louisiana Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board. It gives their name, mailing address, license number(s), and their specialties.
You can use the State of Louisiana's Department of Public Safety service, to look for the State Fire Marshall list of Fire Protection Contractors. Some information is provided in Adobe Acrobat pdf format.
Browse the State of Louisiana's Central Gaming Registry with their name, licensee, and by the type of facility.
You can use the service from the State of Louisiana's Management and Finance Health Services division and locate home health agencies by the type, region, parish, and the zipcode. (Hospitals, adult day care, hospices, and etc.)
Browse the State of Louisiana's State Board of Home Inspectors to find licensed home inspectors with their name and the zip code.
You can use the Iberia Parish, Louisiana's Taxroll service, to browse for property and property tax information with the parcel number, owner name, address, subdivision, and the section.
You can subscribe with the Iberia Parish, from the State of Louisiana's Clerk of Court, and have access to the recorded documents site. Civil Suits, conveyances, criminal, marriages, mortgages, or probate. Select Services, then Internet Access information to get a registration form.
Browse the Iberville Parish, State of Louisiana's Assessor's property records, by their name, address, parcel number, and the subdivision.
Search the State of Louisiana's inmate parole dockets with the date and institution, and view corresponding information, name, document number, race and gender, birth date, location, and the offense information.
Browse for State of Louisiana's licensed insurance producers appointed by a company name, and a NAIC number.
Browse for the State of Louisiana's insurance producers, agencies, brokers, or solicitors with their license type, state, city, zip code, or the Parish and the County.
Browse the State of Louisiana's Department of Insurance to find licensed insurance agents, producers, adjusters, or also insurance agencies.
Browse the State of Louisiana's Department of Insurance database, to find Active Companies with their name, NAIC number, company, city, company classification, zip code, and the state.
The State of Louisiana Department of Insurance has a list of surplus lines approved unauthorized insurers. We are not sure what "approved unauthorized" insurers are, but it's a wonderful oxymoron.
Browse the State of Louisiana's State Board of Interior Designers with their name, license number, and the city.
In Jackson Parish, look for the State of Louisiana's Assessor property records. Find by their name, address, parcel number, subdivision, section/township/or range. Use the Internet Explorer only.